Subject: Historical Day for AO-40 !!!
Date: Sat, 12 May 2001 11:35:28 -0400
From: "Farrell Winder" <>
Hi All,
This was an exciting day and it is believed history was made for A0-40 in sending
the 1st SSTV pictures through this satellite!
Don Miller, W9NTP and Farrell Winder, W8ZCF of the MAREX-MG group succeeded in getting several good pictures through AO-40. W8ZCF transmitted on 70 cm and W9NTP received on 13 cm. Tests started about 12:30 UTC on Saturday May 12, 2001 when the satellite was out about 48, 000 km and continued until the satellite was at a range of 40,000 km. Signals were not strong and Don reported S readings of only 2 to 3. SSTV was sent only one way as W8ZCF did not have receive capability in place.
The experiment was 2 fold. W9NTP and W8ZCF, along with others of the Marex group have been developing and testing the NEW SSTV System for the International Space Station. It is called SpaceCam1. All pictures during this phase of the test were sent via SpaceCam1 using R36 and S1 modes. W9NTP and W8ZCF were believed to have received the last 2 pictures from AO-13 the day before its re-entry into the earth's atmosphere as reported in an article in CQ VHF February 1997. It was planned at that time that a try would be made for the 1st pictures via P3D ( now A0-40) and it is
believed that success and history were made today!
Also an unusual record may have been set in that 2 meter terrestrial contact (about 80 miles) was later maintained in experiments between W9NTP & W8ZCF while
W8ZCF transmitted voice on 70 cm via A0-40 to W9NTP listening on 13 cm..
For details of SpaceCam1 see:
It is planned to within the next 24 hours to have some of the received pictures via AO-40 on this web site.
It is hoped that others will follow with SSTV via A0-40. This satellite is performing in excellent fashion, under the circumstances, thanks to the perseverance of the many who built, tested and have recently worked so hard in getting optimum performance of AO-40.
Submitted by Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Cincinnati, Ohio..
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Dear Jim and Miles, Farrell and I successfully transmitted and received [SpaceCam1 SSTV] pictures through AO-40. Farrell transmitted on 70 cm and I received the pictures on 13 cm., all sideband. Farrell did not have receive capability yet so it was one way. We did carry on a simultaneous conversation by listening to Farrell through AO-40 and talked back to him terrestily on 2 meters. Feel free to put the pictures on the sarex webpage or use them in any way that you choose. Wish you both were going to be at Dayton.
Don Miller, W9NTP
We copied about a dozen images, some were improperly synced but we did not have to worry about doppler tuning. The satellite was basically stationary.
Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
Hi All, Here is a picture copied from Don one morning on ATV, sent back to him on AO-40 today when this satellite was out in space with a range of over 40,000 km. This is the picture Don copied. 73, Farrell..
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