ISS Radio conctat cards (QSL and SWL)
For the USA :
ARRL Headquarters
ARISS QSL Expedition-2
225 Main Street
Newington, CT 06111-1494 USA
For Canada :
Radio Amateurs of Canada
ARISS QSL Expedition-2
720 Belfast Road, Suite 217
Ottawa Ontario
K1G 0Z5For Europe: (Manager Christophe Candebat, F1MOJ)
ARISS-Europe QSL Bureau
c/o AMSAT-France
14 bis, rue des Gourlis
92500 Rueil Malmaison.
Applicants forward a self addressed envelope and two IRC's to cover the handling cost.
For other countries, please use the US or Canadian address above until such time as an address for your country is available.
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since April 2002