Subject: SpaceCam1 tests via AO-40
Date: Sun, 12 Aug 2001 21:11:34 -0400
From: Farrell Winder
To: marexteam
Hi All,
As a part of another experiment involving AO-40, Don, W9NTP and I ran a two way transmit and receive setup using the test pattern as shown in the attachment:
200108112254tstpartn.jpg was sent by W8ZCF using the IBM 760 XD with SpaceCam1/VOX Box to W9NTP. At the bottom of the picture it shows W8ZCF as the sender with the time stamp clearly visible at 22:54Z.
200108112304tstpartn.jpg was sent by W9NTP and received by W8ZCF time stamped at 2304Z This picture started OK on SpaceCam1 even though there was noise created by Don inadvertingly as he did not pull the audio line feeding back into the picture from his receiver until just after it started.
We believe these pictures are remarkable in that AO-40 was out in space around 30,000 miles range , therefore the pictures traveled some 60, 000 miles before being received!
The above tests were run using AO-40's transponder S 1. MA was about 59 and the Squint Angle was 11 degrees. Any critique would be appreciated as well as any questions. . Thanks,
Farrell, W9ZCF
Transmitted by Farrell Winder, W8ZCF, Recieved by Don Miller W9NTP
Transmitted by Don Miller W9NTP, Recieved by Farrell Winder, W8ZCF
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