SpaceCam1 Via Satellite AO-40
The images on this page were transmitter or recieved by the new SpaceCam1 Slow Scan TV software, thought the amateur radio satellite AO-40. The images were transmitted from earth to AO-40 and then recieved back on Earth. Average round trip, 64,000 miles (100,000 km).
Attached is a picture from Yoshi, JA5CU, Kawasaki, Japan that which he sent to Farrell Winder W8ZCF via AO-40, Transponder S2, Rx on SpaceCAm1. You will note Yoshi included a replay of my picture ( flag of USA) down in lower left which I sent to him earlier using the SpaceCam1 IBM 760 XD/VOX Box. Satellite was down to about a 2 deg elevation and out some 32,000 miles range at the time..Images recieved by Farrell Winder, from August 18, 2001
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