Kenwood D700 on ISS
Frank Bauer, KA3HDO
ARISS International Chairman
September 1, 2003
The docking of the 12P Progress vehicle to the ISS, as described in:
means that the latest ARISS hardware is now on-board the ISS!
In a joint Russian, US, Japan development effort, a new radio system for the Amateur Radio on the International Space Station was developed, qualified, and flown
on this Progress vehicle. The first installment of the Phase 2 hardware---a Kenwood radio, specially built ISS Ham radio power supplies and antenna switches
were delivered on this Progress flight. The Russian team, led by Sergej Samburov, RV3DR, certified the hardware for flight and provided the ride, the Japanese
team provided (donated) the Kenwood radio to the ARISS team and the US team, in conjunction with the Japan and Russian team, developed the software to
provide a powerful system with a very user-friendly interface for crew. We expect that Mike Foale and Alexander Kaleri will install and checkout this system on the
next ISS Expedition.
In addition to the Kenwood radio system that we launched on this flight, we have a second radio system, a Yaesu FT-100, that will be launched on the 14P
Progress flight in January. Also on 14P, we expect to fly the Spacecam-1 SSTV system. Developed cooperatively between the MAREX-NA and ARISS teams,
the system is being certified for flight at NASA GSFC at this time. Once on-orbit, it will allow pictures to be sent up and down to ISS between ground-based hams
and the crew.
The Kenwood radio system will support 2 meter and 70 cm operations (uplink and downlink) and L-band uplink with up to 25 watts of output power. FM voice,
APRS and packet capabilities are included.
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