Ericsson Amateur Transceiver on ISS
There are currently two (2) Ericsson Amateur Radio transceivers on board ISS. One is configured for the 2-meter band (144 - 146 MHz) and the other for UHF (435 - 438 MHz). The 2-meter system is currently being used for FM Voice links and is connected to the Sirius mono-band (147 MHz) antenna mounted on the FBG module. In the near future, some of the Amateur Radio equipment may be re-located into the Service Module with access to the new set of Amateur Radio antennas installed in 2002. Most of the original hardware for this project came from the SAREX/ARISS amateur radio project for the Space Shuttle program. The Ericsson radios were used extensively from 2001 - 2003 as the primary Amateur Radio link for School Schedules and random voice contacts on the Amateur Radio bands. In December 2003 a new Kenwood D700 radio was installed as the primary Voice/Packet Amateur Radio. The Ericsson Radio will still used for other projects in the future, including UHF Slow Scan TV.
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