The ARISS Hardware Manager Lou McFadin (W5DID) was assigned the task of building an Audio interface box for the SpaceCam1 project. The Audio interface box will allow the audio from a standard Laptop PC to be plugged into the existing Amateur Radio station on ISS. SpaceCam1 will then be able to control the ISS Ericsson  or the Kenwood D700 Amateur Radio transceiver's radio currently on board ISS and the future transceivers planed as follow on projects.  The VOX box arrived on ISS in October 2006.




ARISS ISS-Ham SSTV / VOX Box.  Note the name is in Russian and English.  This box will allow Audio signals from the Laptop computer to control the transmit/receive switch on the ISS-Ham Radios.
Inside view, shows the isolation transformers and the IC OpAmp.
Plug this end into the Computer
Plug this end into the module called the Adapter Module (which then connects to the Ericsson radio)






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