First Packet to the new ISS Mail box


December 22, 2003

On December 22, 2003 the new Kenwood D700 Packet station was activated.  A few hours after it was on, WF1F was able to log into the Personal Message System of ISS and upload a short message to Astronaut Mike Foale.  The ISS crew is still learning how to operate the new ISS-Ham Phase2  hardware platform.  The new Kenwood radio has many many new features.  I was able to successfully test the Digi Repeater mode called Unproto and the Personal Message System by leaving a very short message.  I was surprised to see that my message was message number 1.  Since the ISS crew is very busy, it is not known if the crew will ever have time to read the hundred of messages that may be uploaded every week.

c rs0iss-11
RS0ISS-11>WF1F/1: <<UA>>:
1A*** CONNECTED to RS0ISS-11 [12/22/03 12:12:06]

Welcome to RS0ISS's message board System Ver 1.50 112864 Bytes free

CMD(F/K/M/R/W/B/H/?)> sp rs0iss
Subject: Hi Mike

It works, 73 Miles


Thank you for your message.
CMD(F/K/M/R/W/B/H/?)> L

Msg# Size TS Date Time From To @ BBS        Subject
1          27 P$ /        0532 WF1F       >RS0ISS  Hi Mike

112798 Bytes free
Next message Number 2

CMD(F/K/M/R/W/B/H/?)> b
Thank you CU AGN 73
RS0ISS-11>WF1F/1: <<D>>: 1A*** DISCONNECTED [12/22/03 12:13:06]


