ARISS Amateur Radio Equipment on ISS
Amateur Radio equipment existing and pending for the International Space Station.
The Amateur Radio projects currently on ISS are called Phase-1 and Phase-2 Hardware. It consists of a pair of Ericsson Transceivers, Kenwood D700 Transceiver, two packet modems, power supplies, cables and headsets. The systems support voice and packet operations. At the present time 2-meter voice and packet modes are in operation. In December 2003 the Kenwood D700 transceiver was installed in the ISS Service Module. In October 2005, the final hardware and software arrived for the SpaceCam SSTV JPG image transmitter. In the future, additional Amateur Radio projects will be flown to ISS and activated. Below is some additional information on the current and future projects on ISS.
Mir Space Station Hardware
Note: Some of the pictures on this web page are from the NASA galleries in accordance with their policy guidelines. To save disk space, I had to shrink some of the images. You can find the full size originals on the NASA gallery page, the actual file names will be different.
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